5 Pillars Fitness & Wellness
Garth M. Lee, BA, CFT, SFN, SET, President & CEO

Services & Rates

Total Weight Loss

90 days (3x/wk): $1800.00


*****|Pillars + 5 Rules = Total Weight Loss|*****



* The Five Pillars Total Weight Loss program incorporates the five (5) rules of performance nutrition into an educational and interactive experience designed to foster a greater understanding of the human body, nutrition, and exercise.

This Package includes:

Fitness Assessment:

  • Weighing, measuring body composition (BMI, Body Fat, etc.)
  • Nutritional assessment for fitness
  • Discussion of your goals and personalized weight loss/management plan

Nutrition Support and Guidance:

  • Learn easy weight loss strategies, healthy tips and more! Start losing weight NOW without starvation or deprivation.
  • Learn what your body really does with food, then EAT THE FOODS YOU LOVE!
  • Develop a personalized meal plan tailored to your own health and fitness needs


  • Weekly personal training sessions
  • Learn aerobic exercise circuits, strength and conditioning training, and stretching for flexibility
  • Develop a personalized exercise regimen designed to grow with you



5 PILLARS: “Simple Solutions for Complicated People.”

To get in touch with me, just click on "Contact Me" and send me a message or you can give me a call at %phone%.

*Program length varies based on the assessed needs of the individual or group.


G_Care (Senior Fitness)

1 hour: Variable rates



Studies show that ongoing strength and fitness training can greatly decrease symptoms of multiple conditions including arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, and heart disease.  As we age our bodies are in a steady state of decline. Their is a reduction in our ability to effectively perform basic Activities of Daily Living (ADL). Finally, there are serious concerns for seniors regarding falls and or balance disorders. 

Between improving mood, losing weight, and getting fit, there are a number of reasons to exercise. If you’re an older adult, staying active is crucial to your long-term health and independence. While I believe in science and medicine, our society is increasingly more interested in taking a pill than taking care of their bodies, often resulting in side-effects. A vicious cycle then ensues with additional pills and side effects: Not so with exercise and nutrition. The soreness associated with exercise and is often misunderstood and will not require any medication, only proper rest and nutrition. The primary side-effect of exercise is better health and increased independence.

While it’s recommended for adults to exercise for at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week (150 minutes), it’s more important for older adults and seniors to stay active. From attending a fitness class to taking a walk around the neighborhood, the goal is to get your body moving. And, while many senior exercise plans might seem overwhelming, setting smaller goals will help you get the results your body needs.

I will establish a dynamic and progressive training and fitness plan customized for you. I will give you the tools to increase your flexibility, strength, endurance, guiding you to better health and personal independence. And,  while developing an exercise routine doesn’t happen overnight, if you’re able to stay consistent, a habit will form.

5 PILLARS: “Simple Solutions for Complicated People.”

To get in touch with me, just click on "Contact Me" and send me a message or you can give me a call at %phone%.



G_Therapy (Rehab)

1 hour: Variable rates



Therapeutic exercise is a key component of any rehabilitation program. Physical therapists have been utilizing therapeutic exercises with great success since the conception of the profession and it has been demonstrated to be fundamental in improving function, performance and disability. Therapeutic exercise can consist of a variety of exercises inclusive of balance, strengthening, range of motion, endurance, and plyometric activities.

The goals of therapeutic exercises include the restoration of movement, improvement of function and strength, improvement in gait and balance, and the prevention and the promotion of health, wellness, and fitness. Specific exercises are aimed at restoring strength, power and work, or endurance, or a combination. Therapeutic exercises are also utilized to increase range of motion, decrease pain, improve balance and proprioception, and restore function.

At 5 Pillars we value the dignity and independence of each person. I have worked in a therapeutic environment for over ten years and I have helped hundreds of people through their therapeutic programs. Whether auto accident, stroke, or surgery, I can help. I will utilize my considerable knowledge and experience to design a dynamic and progressive therapeutic program to help you regain and maintain a better relationship with your mind and body.


5 PILLARS: “Simple Solutions for Complicated People.”

To get in touch with me, just click on "Contact Me" and send me a message or you can give me a call at %phone%.